Mid March through early April are perfect times to clear buckthorn. We wait until it’s above freezing during the day and before buckthorn begins to produce leaves to optimize the effectiveness of the herbicide.
We managed to squeeze in two work days this spring. Twenty one volunteers dedicated more than 80 collective hours to cut, treat, drag, and stack buckthorn to open up a corridor for the blue trail which will be constructed later this year. They also dragged out a bunch of garbage littering the ravine.
The blue trail will be an intermediate level mountain-bike optimized multiuse natural surface trail. It will wind for a little less than a mile through wooded areas, swerving along the walls of ravines and connecting to both sides of the mountain bike skills park. This will become a beautiful place to ride, hike, and run. In the winter, the blue trail will become part of the snowshoe trail at Magee Park.